Main contents start here
Bilateral cooperation
- The 32nd Chinese Statistical Mission to Japan (July - August 2024)
- The 31st Japanese Statistical Mission to China (July - August 2019)
- The 31st Chinese Statistical Mission to Japan (July 2018)
- The 30th Japanese Statistical Mission to China (October 2017)
- The 30th Chinese Statistical Mission to Japan (October 2016)
- The 29th Japanese Statistical Mission to Korea (September 2024)
- The 30th Korean Statistical Mission to Japan (September 2023)
- The 28th Japanese Statistical Mission to Korea (March 2019)
- The 29th Korean Statistical Mission to Japan (March 2018)
- The 27th Japanese Statistical Mission to Korea (February 2017)
- The 28th Korean Statistical Mission to Japan (March 2016)
- The 6th Viet Nam Statistical Delegation to Japan (September 2024)
- The 5th Vietnam Statistical Delegation to Japan (December 2019)
- Mr. Suzuki, State Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, met with Mr. Vu Dai Thang, Vice Minister for Planning and Investment of Vietnam (July 2019)
- The 4th Vietnam Statistical Delegation to Japan (December 2018)
- Signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation on introduction of ICT System for Official Statistics between Statistics Bureau of Japan and General Statistics Office of Vietnam (August 2018)
- The 3rd Vietnam Statistical Delegation to Japan (October 2017)
- The 1st Japanese Statistical Delegation to Vietnam (February 2017)
- The delegation from Vietnam visiting Statistics Bureau of Japan (October 2015)
- Mr. Muto, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, met with Mr. Nguyen Van Trung, Vice Minister for Planning and Investment of Vietnam (August 2015)
- Signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation between Statistics Bureau of Japan and General Statistics Office of Vietnam (January 2015)
- The 4th Mongolia Statistical Delegation to Japan (December 2024)
- The 2nd Japanese Statistical Delegation to Mongolia (June 2024)
- The 3rd Mongolia Statistical Delegation to Japan (January - Feburuary 2019)
- The 2nd Mongolia Statistical Delegation to Japan (January - Feburuary 2018)
- Mr. Harada, State Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications visited Mongolia (May 2017)
- Signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Statistics Bureau of Japan and the National Statistics Office of Mongolia (February 2017)
- The Mongolia Statistical Mission to Japan (December 15 and 17, 2015)
- The Mongolia Statistical Mission to Japan (December 16 and 18, 2014)
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK)
- The 1st Japanese Statistical Delegation to the United Kingdom (January 2024)
- Exchange Seminar with the Office for National Statistic of the United Kingdom (December 2023)
- Web Seminar on Data Literacy for Official Statistics Users with UKSA(October 2023)
- Signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Statistics Bureauof Japan and the United Kingdom Statistics Authority (May 2023)
- Meeting between Mr. Kaneko, Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications and Professor Sir Ian Diamond, UK's National Statistician (April 2022)