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II-7 By Region
(1) Number of Enterprises by Prefecture
The number of enterprises decreased in all prefectures except Okinawa and Nara.
The number of head offices of enterprises located in a prefecture was the highest in Tokyo with 255,000 enterprises (16.8 % of the total enterprises), followed by Osaka with 110,000 (7.3 %), Aichi with 91,000 (6.0 %), and so on. About a quarter of all enterprises in Japan (24.1 %) were located in Tokyo or Osaka.
Compared with 2001, the number of enterprises decreased in all prefectures except Okinawa ( an increase of 5.7 %) and Nara (an increase of 0.4 %) (Fig. II-5, Table II-10).
Fig. II-5 Composition Ratio of Enterprises by Prefecture (2006)
Table II-10 Number of Enterprises by Prefecture (2001, 2006)
(2) Mergers and Separations after October 2, 2001 by Prefecture
The numbers of both mergers and separations were high in Tokyo.
All new enterprises established by consolidation, enterprises which merged with other companies, and new enterprises established by split-up or breakup, were the highest in Tokyo, followed by Osaka and Aichi (Table II-11).
Table II-11 Number of Enterprises Established by Merger or Separation after October 2, 2001 by Prefecture (2006)
(3) State of Electronic Commerce by Prefecture
Yamanashi showed the highest engagement rate of electronic commerce.
The engagement rate by prefecture was the highest in Yamanashi at 18.3 %, followed by Akita and Toyama at 17.7 %, and so on. On the other hand, the engagement rate was the lowest in Chiba and Saitama at 12.2 %, followed by Hokkaido at 12.4 % and so on, but with little difference between prefectures.
Compared with 2001, the number of enterprises engaged in electronic commerce and engagement rate both increased in all prefectures (Table II-12).
Table II-12 Engagement Rate of E-Commerce by Prefecture (2001, 2006)