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Lectures on American Business Register (December 8, 2015)
On December 8, 4 statistical officials from the U.S. Census Bureau visited the Statistics Bureau of Japan and gave some lectures on the Business Register in U.S. After exchanging greetings with the Director-General of the SBJ, Ms. Katherine J. Thompson delivered a course of lecture titled "Introduction to Editing and Imputation" and "Applications of Editing and Imputation in the Economic Census: General Statistics and Products," Mr. William C. Davie Jr., "Measuring and Communicating the Amount and Quality of Imputation: Some Examples from the U.S. Census Bureau" and Mr. Brandy Yarbrough, "Enterprise Statistics Program, Labor inputs: Co-employment (Employee "Leasing"), Taxation and the U.S. Economic Census" respectively to SBJ personnel.
Meeting with Director-General of SBJ
Group photo
The officials of U.S. Census Bureau:
Ms. Katherine J Thompson, Research Director, Economic Statistical Methods Division, U.S. Census Bureau (Front row, third from left in Group Photo)
Mr. William C. Davie Jr., Methodology Director, Economic Statistical Methods Division, U.S. Census Bureau (Front row, second from left in Group Photo)
Mr. Brandy Yarbrough, Operational Director for the Business Register, U.S. Census Bureau (Front row, third from right in Group Photo)
Ms. Yukiko Ellis, Mathematical Statistician, Economic Statistical Methods Division, U.S. Census Bureau (Front row, left in Group Photo)
Lecture scene 1
Lecture scene 2