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The Twelfth Meeting of the East Asian Statistical Conference
13-15 November 2008/Tokyo, JapanOrganizers:
Statistics Bureau and Director-General for Policy Planning (Statistical Standards), Ministry of Internal Affairs and CommunicationsNational Statistics Center
Japan Statistical Association
Statistical Information Institute for Consulting and Analysis
The Meeting of the East Asian Statistical Conference aims at promoting development of official statistics in this region through informal exchanges of experiences and thoughts among the heads of national statistical offices. Since its initiation in 1980, the meeting has been held about every 2 years.Theme
The themes of the Meeting were "Population Census and Household Surveys", "Economic Statistics including the Economic Census and Business Registers", "New Developments in Japan's Statistical System" and "Management of National Statistical System".Programme
Thursday 13 November
Meeting of the Heads of National Statistical Offices of East Asian Countries
9:30 - 9:35 Announcement from the Secretariat
9:35 - 9:50 Opening Remarks [Mr. Kawasaki Shigeru, Director-General, Statistics Bureau of Japan (SBJ)]
Topic 1 Population Census and Household Surveys
Discussant: [Mrs. Haishan Fu, ESCAP]
9:50 - 10:50 Session 1 Population Census and Household Surveys (1)
Session Leader: [Mr. FENG Nailin, China]
-Current 2008 Population Census of Cambodia(PDF:53KB)
[Mr. Hor Darith, Cambodia]
-Considerations for Planning the Philippines'2010 Census(PDF:31KB)
[Mrs. PAULA MONINA G. COLLADO, The Philippines]
-Using the Idea of Statistical Architecture at Statistics New Zealand(PDF:161KB)
[Mr. Vincent Galvin, New Zealand]
11:10 - 12:30 Session 2 Population Census and Household Surveys (2)
Session Leader: [Dr. RUSMAN HERIAWAN, Indonesia]
-Analysis on the Quality of China's Population Census Data: Thoughts for the 2010(PDF:137KB)
[Mr. FENG Nailin, China]
-Strategies for the 2010 Population Census of Japan(PDF:57KB)
[Mr. Chino Masato, SBJ, Japan]
-The Population Census, Role and Function of the National Statistics Center(PDF:2,749KB)
[Mr. Komagata Kenichi, National Statistics Center (NSTAC), Japan]
14:00 - 14:10 Announcement from Korea
14:10 - 15:30 Session 3 Population Census and Household Surveys (3)
Session Leader: [Mr. Kim Dae-Ki, Korea]
-Population and Housing Census : Thailand(PDF:2,045KB)
-Population Census and Household Surveys-Australia(PDF:84KB)
[Mr. Denis Farrell, Australia]
-Promoting Wider Use of Population and Household Statistics-The Experience of Hong Kong(PDF:46KB)
[Mr. Hing Wang, FUNG, Hong Kong]
Topic 2 Economic Statistics including the Economic Census and Business Registers
Discussant: [Ms. Davaasuren Chultemjamts, SIAP]
15:50 - 17:10 Session 4 Economic Statistics including the Economic Census and Business Registers (1)
Session Leader: [Ms. WAN RAMLAH WAN ABD RAOF, Malaysia]
-Current Status of Economic Statistics in Cambodia(PDF:40KB)
[Mr. Hor Darith, Cambodia]
-First Economic Census of Lao PDR(PDF:1,729KB)
-Current Status on the Usage and Implementation of ISIC(PDF:90KB)
[Mr. TUN TUN NAING, Myanmar]
Friday 14 November
9:30 - 10:50 Session 5 Economic Statistics including the Economic Census and Business Registers (2)
Session Leader: [Mr. BRIAN PINK, Australia]
-Compilation of economic statistics and utilization of administrative data(PDF:1,085KB)
[Mr. Kim Gyung-Tae, Korea]
-THE INDONESIAN 2006 ECONOMIC CENSUS Methodology, the Use of Comprehensive Census(PDF:128KB)
[Dr. RUSMAN HERIAWAN, Indonesia]
-Economic Statistics and Business Registers, Malaysia(PDF:156KB)
-Using the Idea of Statistical Architecture at Statistics New Zealand(PDF:161KB)
[Mr. Vincent Galvin, New Zealand]
11:10 - 12:30 Session 6 Economic Statistics including the Economic Census and Business Registers (3)
Session Leader: [Mrs. PAULA MONINA G. COLLADO, The Philippines]
-Developing and implementing the Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification Version 2.0 with reference to ISIC Revision 4(PDF:56KB)
[Mr. Hing Wang, FUNG, Hong Kong]
-Implementation of the Economic Census(PDF:21KB)
[Mr. Takami Akira, SBJ, Japan]
-Economic Censuses and Surveys-Australia(PDF:94KB)
[Mr. Denis Farrell, Australia]
Topic 3 New Developments in Japan's Statistical System
14:15 - 15:15 Session 7 New Developments in Japan's Statistical System
Session Leader: [Mr. Kawasaki Shigeru, SBJ, Japan]
-Implementation of Reform of the Statistical System in Japan(PDF:85KB)
[Mr. Kitada Hiroyuki, Office of Director-General for Policy Planning, Japan ]
-A Centralized Statistical Information System in the Decentralized Statistics System(PDF:410KB)
[Mr. Toida Koki, Statistical Information Systems Division, SBJ, Japan]
-Toward the Business Frame in Japan(PDF:16KB)
[Mr. Takata Seiji, Economic Structure Statistics Division, SBJ, Japan]
Topic 4 Management of National Statistical Systems (Panel Discussion)
15:35 - 17:35 Session 8 Management of National Statistical Systems (Panel Discussion)
Session Leader: [Dr. PAUL CHEUNG, UNSD]
Panel: [Mrs. JIRAWAN BOONPERM, Thailand](PDF:384KB)
[Mr. Vincent Galvin, New Zealand](PDF:236KB)
[Mr. BRIAN PINK, Australia](PDF:49KB)
[Mr. Kawasaki Shigeru, SBJ, Japan](PDF:27KB)
17:50 - 17:55 Closing Remarks [Mr. Kawasaki Shigeru, Director-General, Statistics Bureau of Japan (SBJ)]
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