Japan Statistical Yearbook 2023

SSSSSSSSSSSGSGSSSSSSSGSSSSGSGGGSGG  エストニア  オーストリア  オランダ  ギリシャ  クロアチア  スイス  スウェーデン  スペイン  スロバキア  スロベニア  チェコ  デンマーク  ドイツ  ノルウェー  ハンガリー  フィンランド  フランス  ブルガリア  ベルギー  ポーランド  ポルトガル  マルタ  ラトビア  リトアニア  ルーマニア   ルクセンブルク  ロシア アフリカ  アルジェリア  エジプト  ナイジェリア  南アフリカ  モロッコ オセアニア  オーストラリア  ニュージーランド国(地域)輸出輸入 Imports and exports of each country or region are presented in US dollars. "G" indicates the general trade system, whereas"S" indicates the special trade system. According to the general trade system, imports are the total of the goods enteringdirectly for domestic consumption and the goods entered into bonded warehouse, and exports are the total of the export ofnational goods and the re-export of foreign goods in the domestic market or in the bonded house. According to the specialtrade system, imports are the total of the goods entering directly for domestic consumption and the goods withdrawn from thebonded house for domestic consumption, and exports are the total of the exports of national goods and the re-export offoreign goods in the domestic market. Country and region 30-5 Amount of Exports and Imports by Country (2020) Estonia Austria Netherlands Greece Croatia Switzerland Sweden Spain Slovakia Slovenia Czech Rep. Denmark Germany Norway Hungary Finland France Bulgaria Belgium Poland Portugal Malta Latvia Lithuania Romania Luxembourg Russia Africa Algeria Egypt Nigeria South Africa Morocco Oceania Australia New Zealand3)4)8)9)4)3)6)6)貿易方式Trade system30 Comparative International Statistics 729Exports (FOB)Imports (CIF)16,375171,860551,30335,17016,835319,174154,297306,75283,27237,345192,566107,2271,380,37982,699119,41265,668478,33331,802419,365270,93961,5103,35515,10132,76871,14613,646324,47740,58325,10860,54789,94427,049250,41938,897(In millions of U.S. dollars)17,335176,710484,78555,69525,635291,672148,940325,19386,47636,354170,99296,8001,170,72681,312110,44368,085572,02834,881394,703257,06477,5155,62717,26433,14192,18720,930236,59346,50057,85743,00788,16243,433202,92737,1351) Excluding the West Bank of the Jordan river and Gaza Strip. Imports and exports net of returned goods. 2) Excluding militarygoods, ships, aircraft, etc. 3) Data for 2019. 4) Data for 2018. 5) Including trade with the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico,and excluding trade with other U.S. possessions (Guam, American Samoa, etc.). Including exports and imports of non-monetarygold. 6) Imports in FOB. 7) Excluding goods from customs-bonded warehouses. 8) Data for 2017. 9) Imports excludepetroleum imported without stated value. Exports cover domestic exports.Source: United Nations "Monthly Bulletin of Statistics Online".

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