Japan Statistical Yearbook 2023

52976313351214罪名・非行名28-14 刑務所・拘置所等の罪名別新受刑者数及び少年院のNew Convicts in Prisons and Detention Houses by Type of Crime and New Inmatesin Juvenile Training Schools by Type of Delinquency (2020 and 2021)非行名別新収容者数(令和2、3年)Prisons and detention houses令和2年202016,62010,446692335629655715571257202 1) 2) 3)685,9133041,55911720210124 5)6,174596684,367706-刑務所・拘置所等Juvenile training schools令和2年202016,15210,26570207492892477188657441871,6241,297101234450-18310534515,7323641,4249722516113114261291217231115,887448554,071839-2847124418843少年院3年2021 「矯正統計」及び「少年矯正統計」による。 Data are based on the Statistics on Correction and the Statistics on Correction of Juvenile Delinquents.総数刑法犯計#放火住居侵入文書偽造等わいせつ強制性交等賭博・富くじ殺人傷害、暴行危険運転致死傷過失運転致死傷脅迫窃盗強盗詐欺恐喝横領・背任盗品等関係暴力行為等処罰に関する法律 Act on Punishment of Physical Violence特別法犯計#銃砲刀剣類所持等取締法売春防止法麻薬及び向精神薬取締法覚せい剤取締法道路交通法ぐ犯1) 有価証券偽造、支払用カード電磁的記録関係、印章偽造及び不正指令電磁的記録関係を含む。 2) わいせつ文書頒布等、強制わいせつ及び同致死傷を含む。 3) 強制性交等同致死傷を含む。 4) 傷害致死を含む。 5) 強盗致死傷、強盗・強制性交等及び同致死を含む。1) Including forgery of securities, records of electronic credit cards and seals, and cases related to wrongful instructionelectromagnetic records. 2) Including distributions of obscene literature, indecent assaults and the same resulting in death.3) Including rapes resulting in death. 4) Including bodily injuries resulting in death. 5) Including robberies resulting indeath, robberies and rapes, and the same resulting in death.資料 法務省「矯正統計年報」Source: Ministry of Justice.Type of crime and delinquencyTotalCriminal cases total Arson Intrusion upon habitation Forgery of documents, etc. Indecency Rape Gambling and lotteries Homicide Bodily injury and violence 4) Dangerous driving resulting in death or injury Negligence in driving resulting in death or bodily injury Intimidation Larceny Robbery Fraud Extortion Embezzlement and breach of trust Offences relating to stolen property and OthersSpecial law crimes total Firearms, Swords, etc. Possession Control Act Anti-Prostitution Act Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Act Stimulants Control Act Road Traffic ActPersons with criminal bent3年20211,3771,02941813845-152716382993-16578549686 28 司法・警察

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