Japan Statistical Yearbook 2023

28-5 特別法犯の検挙件数及び主要法令別検挙人員(平成30年~令和2年)Special Law Violation Cases Cleared up and Arrestees by Principal Acts to Public Prosecutor's Office (2018 to 2020)主要法令平成30年令和元年2年 「犯罪統計」による。交通関係法令を除く。 Data are based on the Criminal Statistics. Excluding violation against any of the traffic laws.検挙件数検挙人員#公職選挙法軽犯罪法迷惑防止条例ストーカー規制法風営適正化法売春防止法児童福祉法未成年者喫煙禁止法青少年保護育成条例児童買春・児童ポルノ禁止法 Act on Punishment of Activities Relating to Child銃砲刀剣類所持等取締法 Firearms, Swords, etc. Possession Control Act火薬類取締法麻薬等取締法大麻取締法覚せい剤取締法毒物及び劇物取締法廃棄物処理法狩猟法出入国管理及び難民認定法 Immigration Control Act and Refugee-Recognition Act労働基準法職業安定法出資法犯罪収益移転防止法電波法資料 警察庁「犯罪統計書」Source: National Police Agency.Principal actsCases cleared upArrestees Public Office Election Act Minor Offence Act Anti-Nuisance Ordinance Anti-Stalking Act Act on the regulation of adult entertainment businesses Anti-Prostitution Act Child Welfare Act Minor Smoking Prevention Act Youth Protection and Bringing-up Regulation Prostitution and Child Pornography, and the Protection of Children Gun-powder Control Act Narcotics Control Act Cannabis Control Act Stimulants Control Act Toxic Sub-stance and Violent Poison Control Act Act Regulating Disposal of Waste and Garbage Act Concerning Preservation of Birds and Animals, and Hunting Labour Standards Act Employment Security Act Act Concerning Regulating Reception of Investment, Money on Deposit and Interest Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds Radio Act2018201974,03173,03462,89461,814996218,6588,3448,0547,7636757281,7471,5243903992311787216262,0752,1843,0402,8124,7854,81887954014353,4884,2219,6528,2832261776,3636,1652712154,0244,735655198691241162,1922,14427727928 Justice and Police 679202072,91361,345589,1936,2918111,1953961615892,0692,5294,8191025464,9048,2451806,6802275,00538791082,133211

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