Japan Statistical Yearbook 2023

by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and "Statistical Abstract of Receiving Contracts" compiled by NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), etc. Subscribers are those who have made receiving contracts with NHK installing apparatus that can receive the broadcasts of NHK in accordance with the provisions of the Broadcasting Act. Data are compiled on the basis of reports from each broadcasting station. The terrestrial contract refers to a broadcast reception contract for the reception of terrestrial television broadcasting only. The satellite contract refers to a broadcast reception contract for the reception of television broadcasting by satellite-based and terrestrial system. The special contract refers to a broadcast reception contract for the reception of television broadcasting only by the satellite system, in the difficult viewing area by the topography of the natural terrestrial television broadcasting or the train, electric car and in other commercial mobile. Parks Parks include natural parks designated under the Natural Parks Act, urban parks established under the Urban Parks Act and national parks that have been open to the general public since 1949 and are currently managed and operated by the Ministry of the Environment. Survey on Religion This survey has been conducted annually since 1949 by the Agency for Cultural Affairs with the purpose to investigate the number of religious judicial persons, etc., and to obtain basic materials for administration on religious matters such as a list of religious judicial persons and religious organisations. Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities (Fundamental Statistical Survey) This survey has been conducted every five years since 1976 in order to investigate the time use and leisure activities of Japanese people by the Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. The 2016 survey is the ninth in the series. The 2016 survey was conducted at 88,000 households in the selected enumeration districts of the 2010 Population Census, and all persons aged 10 or over were surveyed. The reference date was 20 October. Regarding the time use, each household member was requested to report the particulars of two consecutive days designated between 15 October and 23 October. Two types of questionnaires were used: pre-coded Questionnaire A (in which the questionnaire form was pre-coded with categories) and open-ended Questionnaire B (in which respondents were asked to freely fill out the questionnaire form as if keeping a diary, and then at the tabulation stage classification codes were assigned according to predetermined classification criteria). 642 26 文化

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