Japan Statistical Yearbook 2023

Newspapers Statistics presented in this Yearbook relate to the circulation of daily newspapers as of October every year, which is based on the reports submitted to the Japan Newspaper Publishers and Editors Association. A total of 113 different newspapers were covered for 2021; among which 29 newspapers are sets of morning and evening editions; 73 are morning papers; and 11 are evening papers. 26 Culture Social Education Survey (See "25 Education") Science Information Infrastructure Statistics of Colleges and Universities This survey is conducted annually, as of 1 May, by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology with the aim to clarify and improve the conditions of the scientific information infrastructure, such as libraries, computer facilities, and networks of universities. Cultural properties The Act on the Protection of Cultural Properties defines cultural properties as tangible cultural properties, intangible cultural properties, folk-cultural properties, monuments, cultural landscapes and groups of traditional buildings, among which important cultural properties are designated, selected and registered by the national government for intensive protection. The statistics in this publication relate to the number of cultural properties designated by the national government and those designated by prefectures and municipalities in accordance with their respective regulations. Books and magazines The source of data is "Annual Report on the Publication Market" compiled annually by The Broadcasting The data on subscription are based on the "White Paper on Information and Communication in Japan" This chapter covers cultural facilities and cultural properties, publication and mass communication, recreations and parks, religion, time use and leisure activities. The section of cultural facilities and cultural properties contains statistics on cultural facilities such as museums and libraries, and cultural properties. The section on publication and mass communications contains statistics concerning books and magazines, newspapers, as well as radio and television broadcasting. The section on recreations and parks contains statistics on movies, advertisement, and parks. The section of religion contains statistics on religious organisations, clergymen and adherents. The section on time use and leisure activities contains statistics on average time spent on various daily activities, participation rates in leisure and learning activities, sports and travel. The survey covers all national, public and private universities in Japan. For the survey of university libraries, the central library or its branch of a university, or a library attached to a faculty, institute, etc. are treated as separate units. Research Institute for Publications, The All Japan Magazine and Book Publisher's and Editor's Association.. The statistics presented in this Yearbook are the estimate of the dynamic state of distribution targeting the general publications that went through the route of agency (including spot sale wholesalers). Authorized textbooks, publications of direct sales route (excluding some magazine), unmarketed government publications and so on are not included. 26 Culture 641

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