Japan Statistical Yearbook 2023

 後期高齢者医療広域連合からの後期高齢者医療事業状況報告等に基づくもの。当該年の3月から翌年2月までの期間。被保険者は、75歳以上の者及び65歳以上75歳未満で一定の障害の状況がある旨の広域連合の認定を受けた者。 Based on the report from associations of local governments for the Medical System for the Aged on their state ofimplementation. Referring to diagnosis and treatment conducted from March of the stated year to February of the followingyear. The insured persons are of age 75 and above and those of above 65 and under 75 with disability recognised by anassociation of local governments for the Medical System for the Aged.(単位 金額 億円)平成22年201027令和元年20191) 各年度における各月末平均。 2) 一部負担金、食事療養・生活療養の標準負担額及び訪問看護に係る基本利用料を含む。1) Average of number of recipients at the end of months in the respective fiscal year. 2) The medical care expenditure forthe aged include partial payments by the insured for treatment, standard charge for meals and miscellaneous expenses athospitals and basic fee for home-visit nursing care.資料 厚生労働省「後期高齢者医療事業状況報告(年報)」Source: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.23-27 後期高齢者医療費及び医療給付費(平成22年度~令和2年度)Medical Care Expenditure for the Aged and Medical Care Benefits (F.Y. 2010 to 2020)被保険者数年度後期高齢者1人当たり後期医療費高齢者医療費(円)(Expenditure in one hundred millions of yen)後期高齢者医療費の国民医療費に対する医療給付費#高額療養費割合Fiscal yearInsured persons1)14,059,915201515,944,31517,871,720202018,065,263Medical careMedical careexpenditure forexpenditure for the agedper person (yen)the aged2)127,213151,323170,562165,681Medical care benefitsSubsidy for high-cost medicaltreatment904,795116,562949,070139,551954,369156,441917,124152,293(%)4,6115,9526,5966,645234.035.738.4...576 23 社会保障

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