Japan Statistical Yearbook 2023

Economic Census for Business Activity (See "7 Business Activity") Current Survey of Commerce (Fundamental Statistical Survey) The survey was started in 1953 by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry with the aim to clarify the trend of sales by wholesale and retail establishments and enterprises. At the beginning, the survey was conducted quarterly, yet it was reorganised to a monthly survey in October 1959. As regards department stores, a separate survey of "Department Store Sales Statistics" had been compiled including the revision made in 1978 and was then integrated into the "Current Survey of Commerce". 14 Wholesale and Retail Trade Census of Commerce (Fundamental Statistical Survey) The Census of Commerce was conducted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry with the aim of clarifying the actual situation of commerce in Japan. It was first conducted in 1952, after which the main Census was conducted every two years until 1976, then every three years until 1997, and then every five years until 2007. The simplified Census was conducted in the interim years. Since 2007, the Census has been conducted two years after the "Economic Census for Business Activity". In 2014, the Census was conducted along with the "Economic Census for Business Frame". With the establishment of the Economic Conditions Survey, the Census of Commerce was abolished with the 2014 Census. Annual sales of goods Annual sales refer to the total sales of corporeality goods from 1 January of the previous Economic Conditions Survey (Fundamental Statistical Survey) The Economic Conditions Survey is conducted jointly by the Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry every year except for years in which the Economic Census for Business Activity is conducted in order to clarify the structures of the manufacturing and service industries, such as their added value, to contribute to improving the precision of National Accounts, and to grasp the actual situation in the interim years of the Economic Census for Business Activity conducted every five years. The Economic Conditions Survey has been conducted since 2019, integrating and reorganising three surveys: the Survey on Service Industries (expanded survey) (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications), the Census of Commerce (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), and the Survey on Selected Service Industries (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry). Starting with the 2022 survey, corporate establishments above a certain size in all industries are covered, and the previously conducted Census of Manufacture (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) is now conducted as part of the Annual Business Survey (Survey of Manufacturing Establishments). The survey also covers corporate establishments in the manufacturing industry above a certain size. This chapter contains statistics on wholesale and retail trade. year to 31 December. Self-service system The "self-service system" is a method of sales, which fulfils the following conditions: <1> the consumer will see the price of merchandise by way of indicators such as price tags, <2> the consumer will individually carry the desired goods in shopping baskets, carts or trays supplied by the shop, <3> the consumer will pay the total amount of the goods at the cashier. Establishments that are considered to adopt the "self-service system" in the sense of the Census are those establishments that fulfill the above conditions in at least 50 percent of the total sales floor space of the establishment. 354 14 卸売業・小売業

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