Main contents start here
Chapter 8 Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
- 8- 1 Agricultural Management Entities by Management Type(Excel:31KB)
- 8- 2 Farm Households by Degree of Engagement and Size of Operating Cultivated Land(Excel:34KB)
- 8- 3 Farm Households by Degree of Engagement and Prefecture, and Farm Household Population by Agricultural District (Commercial Farm Households)(Excel:40KB)
- 8- 4 Farm Household Population by Labour Force Status (Commercial Farm Households)(Excel:32KB)
- 8- 5 Persons Engaged in Farming by Age Group (Commercial Farm Households)(Excel:33KB)
- 8- 6 Farm Households by Type of Farming and Prefecture (Commercial Farm Households)(Excel:39KB)
- 8- 7 Area of Cultivated Land by Type (Commercial Farm Households)(Excel:32KB)
- 8- 8 Area of Cultivated Land, and Expansion and Dilapidation of Cultivated Land(Excel:32KB)
- 8- 9 Area of Cultivated Land, and Expansion and Dilapidation of Cultivated Land by Prefecture(Excel:36KB)
- 8-10 Farm Households with Rented or Leased Cultivated Land and Area of Those Land (Commercial Farm Households)(Excel:31KB)
- 8-11 Case and Area of Transfers of Rights on Agricultural Land(Excel:32KB)
- 8-12 Cases and Area of Usage Conversions of Agricultural Land(Excel:31KB)
- 8-13 Farm Rent, Price of Agricultural Land and Sales Price of Land Converted to Other Uses by Prefecture(Excel:40KB)
- 8-14 Planted Area and Production of Rice by Prefecture(Excel:36KB)
- 8-15 Planted Area and Agricultural Production(Excel:52KB)
- 8-16 Planted Area and Production of Flower(Excel:32KB)
- 8-17 Raiser Households of Livestock or Chickens, and Livestock or Chickens Raised(Excel:33KB)
- 8-18 Production of Raw Milk, Hen Eggs and Carcass(Excel:28KB)
- 8-19 Raiser Households of Livestock or Chickens, Livestock or Chickens Raised, Production of Raw Milk and Hen Eggs by Prefecture(Excel:38KB)
- 8-20 Production Cost of Farm and Livestock Products(Excel:45KB)
- 8-21 Producer Prices of Agricultural Products(Excel:39KB)
- 8-22 Purchase Prices of Production Materials and Goods for Farming(Excel:40KB)
- 8-23 Receipts and Disbursements of Farm Households(Excel:53KB)
- 8-24 Gross Agricultural Output and Agricultural Income Produced(Excel:32KB)
- 8-25 Agricultural Cooperatives by Prefecture(Excel:36KB)
- 8-26 Number of Forestal Management Entities by Size of Operating Forest Area(Excel:34KB)
- 8-27 Forestry Workforce(Excel:30KB)
- 8-28 Forestry Households and Management Entities and Current Forest Areas, by Prefecture and Type of Ownership(Excel:43KB)
- 8-29 Forest Resources by Type of Ownership and Type of Forest(Excel:30KB)
- 8-30 Area of Protection Forest(Excel:28KB)
- 8-31 Forest Roads and Lumber Stock Place(Excel:29KB)
- 8-32 Artificially Afforested Area by Kind of Tree and Prefecture(Excel:41KB)
- 8-33 Production of Logs and Minor Forest Products(Excel:35KB)
- 8-34 Supply and Demand of Lumber(Excel:30KB)
- 8-35 Forestry Cooperatives(Excel:28KB)
- 8-36 Forestry Output and Income from Forestry Production(Excel:30KB)
- 8-37 Average Prices of Ordinary Forest Land by District (per 10 Ares)(Excel:30KB)
- 8-38 Forestry Household Economy(Excel:34KB)
- 8-39 Marine Fishery Management Entities by Type and Class of Organisation(Excel:34KB)
- 8-40 Marine Fishery Management Entities(Excel:30KB)
- 8-41 Persons Engaged in Marine Fisheries(Excel:31KB)
- 8-42 Marine Fishery Management Entities and Designated Fishing Ports by Type and Class of Organisation, Sea Region and Prefecture(Excel:41KB)
- 8-43 Fishery Management Entities, Workers and Fishery Household Members Engaged in Marine Fisheries by Sea Region(Excel:33KB)
- 8-44 Management Entities Engaged in Inland Water Fisheries or Inland Water Culture(Excel:33KB)
- 8-45 Registered Fishing Boats(Excel:32KB)
- 8-46 Fishing Boats Owned(Excel:30KB)
- 8-47 Catches and Production by Sector of Fisheries(Excel:34KB)
- 8-48 Quantity of Catches by Sector of Fisheries and Prefecture(Excel:42KB)
- 8-49 Quantity of Catches of Marine Fisheries by Species(Excel:55KB)
- 8-50 Quantity of Catches of Marine Fisheries by Type of Marine Fisheries and Species(Excel:43KB)
- 8-51 Harvest of Marine Culture(Excel:32KB)
- 8-52 Whaling(Excel:29KB)
- 8-53 Quantity of Catches of Inland Water Fisheries(Excel:33KB)
- 8-54 Harvest of Inland Water Culture(Excel:32KB)
- 8-55 Landed Quantity and Trade Prices of Principal Fishery Products(Excel:36KB)
- 8-56 Production of Processed Fishery Products(Excel:39KB)
- 8-57 Acceptance, Shipping and Stock of Frozen Fishery Products(Excel:30KB)
- 8-58 Number of Fishery Cooperatives(Excel:35KB)
- 8-59 Income and Expenditure of Marine Fishery Management Entities (per Management Entities)(Excel:40KB)
Indices of Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Production, and Supply and Demand of Food
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